Les Cottages St Nicol, Honfleur
Apple Tree & Cherry Tree Cottage
Price is for self catering accommodation in either Apple Tree or Cherry Tree Cottage; this includes bed linen and towels, heat & light, secure car parking and use of the garden.
The Cottages are maintained by the owners, Annie and John.
You can check availability and confirm prices easily by contacting them direct by email or by phone (see below).
Prices, Availability & How to book
To check availability & How to book
£110 per night, minimum stay 7 nights.
10% discount for longer stays, 10 nights +
Any check-in day and check-out day subject to availability.
To make a reservation:
1. Contact us with the dates you require.
2. When these are confirmed a £100 deposit is required; you will then be sent an information pack.
3. The balance is payable a month before your holiday.
John and Anne Walker.
Email: john@honfleurholidays.co.uk
Phone: 01323 737851